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Sailor Leather Cap with Houndstooth Cap, Sailor Style


Sailor Hat in Tartan Fabric with Bouclè and Delavée Effect Sailor Model


Sailor Hats Summer & Winter

Much sought after by all fashionistas and fashion bloggers, the sailor hat has also begun to be used by young people for its ability to emphasize the look and enhance facial lines. Having thus shifted from the function of shelter from the sun to that of an accessory with strong cultural denotation, the sailor hat has conquered the scene in recent years to the extent that it is produced and sold by the largest international fashion houses.

The difference between summer and winter sailor hats is the material from which they are made: fabrics that are more or less lightweight, others that are water-resistant or completely waterproof, and finally fabric mixes such as tartan, linen, and cotton. The sailor's hat originated as a military garment, where its primary function was to cover the head from the sun's strong rays and allow more and better eyesight for soldiers.

Today, this type of hat represents young people who want to feel alternative by wearing a particular and iconic hat, women who want to renew their style and finally men who want to transform their look into something more chic and glamorous.

How to Choose the Right Sailor Hat for You

Choosing the right sailor hat for your needs is a very important step and should be approached with great care: in the case of a summer party, a beach party or an informal occasion, the sailor hat needs to be perfectly matched and in tune with your outfit, even daring with some bright colours.

What influences the choice of this hat will certainly be the season: depending on whether it is summer or winter, we will have to opt for a more or less heavy fabric with different characteristics. The choice of a summer accessory involves lighter materials such as tartan, linen and lighter cottons; in the opposite case, or a more wintery choice, we will opt for lapin felt or water-resistant or waterproof fabrics.

Finally, the last factor to be taken into account will certainly be one's own style to which the chosen hat should be matched. Style is different for every person and the hat accentuates this factor even more.

How to Choose the Right Hat Size

Choosing the right hat size is always a critical moment, also because every hat made by hand and then sold in hat shops has very different sizes compared to the classic ones that clothing shops have accustomed us to.

Hat sizes are calculated in centimetres and range from size 55 (the smallest) to 62 (the largest). There is a very simple and quick procedure to find out which size is right for you.

To calculate your correct hat size all you have to do is take a tape measure, measure the circumference of your head by holding the tape measure just one centimetre above your ears, which is the point where your hat will fit perfectly.

If you don't have a tape measure, you can calculate the size simply by using a piece of string, a string or a shoelace from your shoes: in the same way as before, use the tape measure to calculate the circumference, mark with a pen or a felt-tip pen the point where the two parts of the shoelace meet and then use a ruler or a normal tape measure to measure the shoelace.