The Rachel is a wide-wing drop hat made of Panama Brisa, a weave of grade 3 paja-toquilla yarns. This type of hat is an excellent choice for those who want a similar effect to Panama Fine but at a lower price. This hat also has a special feature: it has holes in the circumference of the head positioned immediately above the belt, making it very airy, fresh and bright. This characteristic makes the semi-finished product a 'Panama Brisa Semicalado'.
The process immediately following the braiding of the Panama is the shaping. Steam and the skilful craftsmanship of our Salento artisans are the fundamental components of this process. At this stage, in fact, the hat is given the desired shape through the use of steam and ironing carried out exclusively by hand on wooden forms. This process ensures that the hat is always elastic and malleable, while the air helps to fix the shape.
The Karen hat is a women's Panama hat with a wide brim made in the colours wheat and bauxite. The contrasting leather belt is the final detail of a unique hat. This Panama hat turns out to be simple yet refined, very light and fresh, with natural tones and a green spirit. It is an excellent shelter from the sun and is exceptionally light. Its very wide brim dances lightly, creating transparencies and plays of shadows on the eyes, and provides maximum protection from the sun's rays.
Panama Hat: History
The material used for this hat is Panama and has an incredible history. It is woven from threads of "paja-toquilla", a straw made from the leaves of the Carludovica palmata plant, typical of tropical America. These threads are collected in the towns of Montecristi and Jipijapa by artisans scattered in small villages and then sold as plaits in the city of Cuenca.
The tenderest shoots of the plant are washed, boiled, dried in the sun and then left to rest in the night breeze. This process produces the natural colour typical of Panama. The final step is to dye the straw in baths of natural tones, allowing the chapel to have the desired colour.
Panama's craftsmanship is completely handmade and is an important part of Ecuador's cultural heritage. Its ancient production techniques were recognised in 2012 as a UNESCO Intangible World Heritage Site. Depending on the type and degree of weaving given to the straw, Panama takes on different names and qualities. The finest quality can involve up to eight months of manual labour by local weavers.